[00:00:00] Welcome back to the Artist to Artist Podcast. Today I'm sharing what I would do if I were starting my makeup artistry career over again. from scratch in the same market I'm in now, which is Toronto. I have been doing makeup on people for over 20 years at this point, and if you want to hear the full story of how I originally got started, you can check out the very first episode of the podcast.
This episode is going to be all about what I would do differently, knowing what I know now and considering how the market in Toronto has changed. evolved. I'm going to get into mindset shifts, practical strategies. I'm going to get into mindset shifts, business strategies, and how I would approach things like building a portfolio, mastering some of those really important technical skills, and building a business in the industry as it is now.
So let's get to it.\ if I were starting my career today, the first thing I would do is focus more on commercial and bridal work. I didn't do this when I was first getting started. Because these are the areas of the industry where you can actually make money in the [00:01:00] Toronto market. When I first started I had this dream of, working with celebrities, doing makeup for music videos, because I was a really big music video fan when I was younger, and being part of these high profile big projects.
But I learned pretty quickly that those jobs don't necessarily pay the bills consistently. They're very hard to get. It was going to take me years to get to a technical level where I would actually be considered for those jobs. And these are the types of jobs that look glamorous from the outside, but they don't always translate to a sustainable income.
It is so easy, and I'm guilty of this as well, to get caught up in this fantasy of what you think your career should look like. But the reality is, you don't truly know what you want until you get out there and start actually doing the work. I would have saved myself a lot of time and energy by honing in on what actually was going to bring in consistent income for me.
Bridal work, commercial work in Toronto are all reliable sources of income and they really [00:02:00] provide the foundation for a sustainable career because I think at the end of the day that's really what we're all looking for. So my advice if you're starting now, start by identifying what work is in demand in your market.
Don't just chase after what you think is looking good on Instagram or what you think will impress people.
Focus on what will actually keep you booked and making money because it's all about building a career that can pay your bills. There's no point to any of this if we're not making money a career that only looks good on social, that's not going to cut it for us.
It's not going to cut it for me, that's for sure.
Now let's talk about building a portfolio.
I get asked about how to do this every week. You guys have it so much easier today than when I started. Back in the early 2000s, when you had to put together a portfolio, it was actually a physical book with high quality printed images and they had to be shot by a professional photographer in a studio setting.
And this means, The photos needed to be properly [00:03:00] retouched to get those photos. You obviously had to network with a photographer that has access to a studio. You have to secure those kind of collaborations with photographers, stylists, hairstylists. It was a whole team effort and it was definitely this whole process today.
You can just take a well lit photo with your iPhone and post it on Instagram and that counts as proof of your skills. Your portfolio now lives online and social media is really the new resume that we're working with and that we're showing to people. If I were starting today, I would take full advantage of this.
It's so easy to do compared to what I had to do back then. I would do makeup on anyone I could get my hands on, friends, family, anyone willing to sit for me. I would probably be doing their makeup and I'd make sure to take clear well lit photos of my work and be fearless about posting this stuff on Instagram.
I would also be more strategic about who I worked with when I started. I had this idea that I needed to work with big name photographers and stylists, which is true. You do want to work with people who are skilled and you want to [00:04:00] be around people who are better than you. But the truth is I was not at their level yet.
I should have focused on networking and working with professionals at my level. People who were also building their portfolios, building their books, humbling yourself enough to start where you are is key and find people who are at your level. The goal is to build up your portfolio with quality work, and you don't really need top tier collaborations to do that, but also, it's just not going to happen.
A new makeup artist is not going to replace an experienced makeup artist on a well established team. There is zero chance of that happening. I did do this to some extent when I was first getting started, but I spent a lot of energy, delusional energy, thinking that if I just had this photo in my book or I just talked to this person that I would eventually end up working with these well established teams and that's just not going to happen.
So I would definitely put more effort into finding people who are at my level who have the same goals as [00:05:00] me in the industry. I'd also invest in good lighting sooner. That was another thing that was so hard back then. There were very few options for lighting the easiest, most inexpensive thing were ring lights, which we know are not the best for taking photos. So that's one thing if you're starting now, just invest in good lighting right away. Learning how to photograph your work properly makes all the difference. And you don't need an expensive camera to do this. Your phone, good lighting, and a good setup can go a long way. Your social media feed is your portfolio. It's your resume. So make sure it looks professional.
Couldn't do this episode without talking about education. I am self taught, and that was mainly because formal makeup school wasn't really an option for me. When I decided to take this career path more seriously, I was older, I was already paying rent, and I couldn't just pause my life to go back to school.
If I were starting today, I'd probably, I think I'd still do this in a more self taught way, but I would definitely invest in one on one sessions with more experienced artists. I would [00:06:00] just offer to pay them to teach me what I needed to know, and I'm sure you're asking why would you do this over school, because this would have really fast tracked my learning.
Formal education isn't always the answer. The right answer for everybody, especially in the Toronto market. I've seen a lot of curriculums from makeup schools And honestly a lot of them don't really align with what the industry actually needs And I think for me and the way I like to learn one on one mentorship would have been the best route This way I could just ask all the specific questions I had and get more tailored advice instead of that more generic curriculum content
And as far as what I would prioritize in terms of my technical skills, obviously, color theory, hands down, absolutely fundamental. I didn't learn color theory initially, in terms of, I learned it in school because I was, I took art in high school and I was a very creative kid, but I didn't learn color theory as it applies to makeup, and it showed in my work.
And when I started working alongside agency [00:07:00] represented artists who were more advanced and more experienced than I was, I realized I was missing something in my work and it was that knowledge and then just understanding color theory Really gave me that boost in confidence and in my abilities to put My own creative, spin on looks to handle any of my client requests.
I could make everything look better because I knew more about color theory.
Also, if you're working in Toronto, hairstyling skills are essential. It's going to open up more job opportunities for you. I did take a nighttime college course. It was a continuing education college course that taught me all the fundamental skills of hair styling, not cutting, not coloring, just actually building hairstyles, and that was so helpful for me.
And then I also paid my hairstylist and some of my hairstylists friends to help me with set styling and teach me different looks. Again, not cutting or colouring, just more actual hair styling, and that was very valuable to me. Toronto's market is oversaturated with makeup artists. A lot of major city markets are going to be [00:08:00] similar. And I think the question is always, how do you stand out?
And I did do a podcast on this, which I will link you to in the show notes. It's How to Stand Out as a Makeup Artist in an Oversaturated Industry. I think it's episode 29, so you're going to want to listen to that if you just want some more information on my take on that. But I think for me, the thing that made me stand out was really my obsession with the job.
And you need to be obsessed with this job. I was, I still am. I practice constantly. I'm very detail oriented. I Want to be as professional as possible. I want to do a good job I want to build a good reputation And I think that's an important part of building a career as a makeup artist You have to meet people you have to do as much work as possible.
You have to post your work regularly One thing I would change now if I were starting over is overcoming my fear of really putting myself out there I should have done this way sooner and I should have done more of it. Social media is such a huge component now to building a career. Clients want [00:09:00] to see proof that you can do the job you say you can do.
You need to show unfiltered, unretouched makeup looks, because that is what is going to build trust. It's what You should be using social media for. Professionalism again is another non negotiable. I've always been professional.
I show up on time. I'm organized. My kit is clean. I'm prepared. That alone has opened up so many doors for me. So in a saturated market, professionalism is one of the easiest ways to stand out because honestly not everybody takes this job seriously. So when you're, really into the craft and you're obsessed with the career and the technical skills and you love all parts of Building a career as a makeup artist this really shows to clients That's what worked for me and I definitely believe in that and would recommend Approaching the industry in this job this way?
To anyone I talk to now.
I think as far as social media goes, Instagram would probably still be my go-to platform. It is now TikTok, I don't think it's, for me, I don't really like [00:10:00] TikTok. There's a lot of reasons why I don't like TikTok. But the point is. With your social media now, choose the one platform you feel the most comfortable with.
Consistency is going to be key with social media. So focus on the one platform and go all in. I think for me, I tried to do too many things when I started getting more. out there on social. I think just focusing on one thing, doing it well and doing it consistently is going to be very helpful. Content wise, I would share unfiltered makeup looks to show your actual real skills so you're not letting anyone down on the job.
Educational posts to demonstrate your knowledge. I would definitely share behind the scenes content. I do like just pans of the sets that I'm on. My kit. or station setups, the application process, if you can, and then those time lapse videos, if you can, or just a few clips of you applying makeup. I'd also probably show more of my personality so potential clients can actually connect with me and who I am.
When I started doing this, when my following grew pretty substantially, [00:11:00] so did my bookings and I think that's because people wanted to really see the variety of work that I could do. They wanted to see that I could be trusted. And people wanted to know the person or who the person was behind the work.
Let people see who you are. Obviously you're in control of your social media. You don't have to put everything out there. I certainly don't. But I think they need to see you doing the job. That's very important. And they need to associate your face with your work.
While we're on the topic of social media, so marketing, branding, networking, all of that stuff is such a big piece and big part of all of this. Marketing and branding go hand in hand with networking. If I could start over, I would probably balance these two areas better. I focused heavily on networking early on because it was a strong point of mine.
Like I had the skills to network well, but I didn't put enough energy into building my personal brand. Definitely could have done a better job with that. So I think I'd do more of a 50 50 split of that if I was starting over today. Work on my marketing and branding, and then also [00:12:00] work on my networking.
Personal branding nowadays is built through content, so easy to do. Think about your ideal client, the kind of work you want, and how you want to be perceived as an artist. Your content should reflect that. Be intentional with your content. Don't just post to post. Every piece of content should have a purpose.
I think that's an important thing to remember. There was a time where I was just posting content because I felt like I had to post and it really wasn't doing anything to build my brand or my portfolio. That's something I would do differently now. Networking today is way easier than it used to be, thanks to social.
So slide into those DMs, send emails, and really do not be discouraged if you don't get a response immediately. It's a slow process. You want to focus on building genuine connections without expecting something in return. If you're following and engaging with people, it should be because you like what they're putting out there, you like the type of work that they're doing.
because you need something from someone. That's a very important distinction to [00:13:00] make, especially when you're out there trying to build these relationships. The industry is small, and people remember when you're genuine, and they remember professionalism, they remember when you're kind, they remember when you're not just after them for something.
Something I wrote down for this episode is that I would have been more strategic about pitching myself to potential clients because I didn't really do any of this when I first started and now there's so many ways to do this easily. You have Canva. You can find people's information on LinkedIn. You can find anything you want to about a company or a brand on the internet.
So it's very easy to pitch to your clients. There's ChatGPT. I think I would spend more time now on creating tailored pitches using portfolio shoots that are specifically designed to attract certain clients. So think about it. If you want to work with a certain brand, let's say, why not create a shoot that aligns with their aesthetic and then use the photos from that shoot to pitch to them?
Be [00:14:00] proactive. I wasn't proactive enough when I first got started, and now I think I would be way more proactive, and I'm trying to be more proactive nowadays. Show that you understand the brand that you're pitching to and show them what you have to offer. Now they may. If you're not interested in looking at your pitch, but if that's your ideal client and that's who you want to work with, that creative or TFP shoot is not a waste because you still have those photos that are still targeting your ideal client that you can share on social and you can use as a pitch to you.
a couple brands perhaps. Definitely be more proactive and don't waste your time on shoots that are not going to help build your portfolio. And when I talk about shoots, I'm referring to creatives or TFPs, whatever you want to call them, where you're collabing with other people in the industry.
You're all unpaid. These things have to have a purpose not just because you are trying to pass some time And you don't have anything booked for the week. Make sure they have purpose Okay, that's something that I did a lot of creative shoots back then where they were [00:15:00] very Just whatever. I was just happy to be working I was happy to practice and yes, every shoot is an opportunity to practice and see your work translate to camera, which is Very important, but go further with these things and make sure they have a purpose.
Strategic pitching so using those TFPs to pitch to clients. When it comes to getting your first paid client, which I know for some people listening probably seems like the impossible task, but it's going to happen faster than you think. Research is critical if you are pitching. If you are going to be DMing somebody or connecting with someone, do a deep dive into the market.
I think it's really important regardless of what market you're in. I'm sure there's some Toronto makeup artists listening now. It is important to figure out what is going on where you live. Who's hiring? What kind of makeup artists are being booked? What are the looks that they're being paid to do?
Start small. This is what I mentioned earlier about networking with people who are also [00:16:00] at your level. So start small with pitching to clients, or DMing clients, or networking with potential clients. Target clients who are just starting their business, or whatever the case may be. And remember you're out here to make connections with people in the industry so that you can build together, because that is how you start to build your network when you're starting from zero.
If you are going to be pitching yourself to a client, or you are going to be DM'ing somebody, or you're going to be using photos from a TFP or creative shoot, make sure your proposals or anything you're sending to these people are tailored. Use platforms like Canva to create really professional looking, more polished.
decks or pitches, partner with photographers for test shoots or for creatives that target specific clients, then pitch those shoots. This really shows initiative and professionalism. Don't just DM or email somebody and just attach photos. Put together something that looks like what they're already shooting for their brand.
[00:17:00] And yes, you have to network, and yes, you have to be very proactive with your clients. But for me, referrals are still my number one source of income. Always provide. A great experience, no matter who you're working with, paid or unpaid, be professional, be organized, be respectful. Referrals come naturally when you leave a good impression, so don't forget about that.
I know it's a lot to take in and a lot to think about when you're building your business, especially when you're starting from the ground up, it's a ton. But always remember, at the end of the day, professionalism will get you ahead, it will get you those referrals, it will help people remember you,
Keep that top of mind when you're just out there doing makeup for anyone.
I think it's good to end this podcast with some mindset stuff. I know this is a lot to take in but if I could start again, I definitely would approach more as a business owner first and a creative second. That's very important because we are running a business at the end of the day.
I also think I should have not respected myself, but I think the word I'm looking for is valued my [00:18:00] skills sooner. It's hard to do that because your confidence as an artist really takes time, but I think if you can really see this as a business, and in doing that, you have financial goals, you're more strategic about your networking, all of the things that we just went over in this episode. I think you can speed up the process of this whole career by doing this. Ignore the noise on social media, please. The industry is not even close to what it looks like online, I can promise you this. Careers are not built overnight.
They can't be broken down into seven simple steps. Or, whatever people are selling you to get a six figure income. It's just not, it doesn't go like that. Patience, hard work are absolute non negotiables if you do want to have a career as a makeup artist. And I think talking about all of this, I always get questions about imposter syndrome.
And to be quite honest, this wasn't a term I even heard [00:19:00] of when I started. Now it's every second question is about imposter syndrome and I see all these targeted Instagram things about are you feeling like you're an imposter and all of this? This did not exist when I was starting.
I have always been very self aware So for me, it was more of a confidence issue I think I wouldn't really call it imposter syndrome because everyone has asked me multiple times. How do you deal with imposter syndrome? I don't think I really had it. I knew I wasn't good. I knew I was just getting started and I was okay with that.
And that awareness really kept me humble and it kept me working hard so when I would show up to a job, that attitude got me really far. If you struggle with imposter syndrome now, know that most people have no idea what they're doing in this industry. There are days where I still don't know what the hell I'm doing with any of this.
It's all, it's crazy what we're doing, right? A lot of people are where you are, and it's okay to be new at this job. There's always new people around. People need to learn.
People need to start somewhere. [00:20:00] You get better with experience, so stay focused. Just stay working. Every job, every creative, every time you do makeup on someone, you are building your skill set. You're getting better than the day before. That's what all of this is about. Forget what other people are doing.
I don't really care what other people are doing. I'm happy for people when they have success. But other than that, I think I wouldn't change that attitude.
I've always been like that. I just stay in my own lane. I know I love to do this job. I want to do what I love. So I'm happy with that. I don't have my mind wandering to looking at other people and comparing myself. It's just not something I have time for. And if you're building your business in the right way, you should not have time for all of this nonsense either.
Okay, so just stay focused on. the task at hand, building your business. And I think that's everything that I wanted to cover in today's episode. If you enjoyed this conversation that we just had right now about starting over in today's world or in today's market, make sure you subscribe, share this episode with someone who might need to hear it or find it helpful.
I am going to share. [00:21:00] Some of the things that I mentioned in the show notes, there's always a summary of the episode there. You also may wanna check out some of my previous episodes where I break down how to build a career that is sustainable and profitable in more detail. And that's it for now. So I will talk to you next week.