$497.00 USD


Get the confidence to be able to work with every skin tone. Learn how to implement colour theory in your work so there is nothing holding you back from what you can achieve as an artist.

What you'll get:

  • Foundational Colour Theory Education: I’ll show you exactly how you can use colour theory and colour systems in your makeup applications. Whether you’re struggling with custom foundations, colour correction, or making the right colour choices, this knowledge is the key to getting it right.
  • Practical Assignments: The homework assignments will help you solidify your new skills so you’ll be ready to take on your next client with confidence.
  • Certificate of completion. Once you pass the final assessment, you will be able to show off your accomplishment!
  • Unlimited Access: Unlimited 24/7 access to the course. No time limits or restrictions.
  • Course Community Membership: Celebrate your wins, participate in weekly Q&A threads, stay updated with the latest products and techniques, access new weekly content, deepen your colour theory knowledge, and explore additional resources.


  • Get access to 7 additional makeup tutorials on a wide range of skin tones. You'll learn about my signature multi dimensional foundation application, and how I apply makeup for bridal, commercial, and editorial jobs.
  • Learn more about taking photos of your work for social media and how to choose the right lighting for your kit. 


  • Submit photos and video of your work and receive individualized feedback. I'll provide you with a personalized video with an assessment of your application so you can make sure you are on the right track. If you are not currently working with a mentor this will be extremely beneficial when it comes to quickly improving your makeup applications. 


Once you master the fundamentals of colour theory there should be nothing holding you back in your career and this bundle is designed to make sure of that!  Here's what's included:

  • Business Administration Master Checklist: This list will give you a bird's eye view of what you need to do when it comes to all aspects of your business (outside of makeup application) like time and task management, branding, communication, networking, social media, accounting etc. 
  • How To Find Your Ideal Client: Defining your ideal client is crucial for directing your efforts towards attracting more paying clients to your business. 
  • MUA Communication Templates: I share all of the client templates I use in my business. From the emails I send to get more info about jobs, payment reminders, and networking emails. 
  • How To Network Successfully and Confidently: Learn more about how to network as a makeup artist and how to adjust your mindset to approach networking more confidently.
  • Social Media Strategy: How to use social media as a makeup artist. I share my strategy and content ideas.
  • How To Kickstart Your Client List: No clue where to find clients? Here is one marketing strategy that has helped me build my client roster. 
  • Learn To Speak Confidently About Your Rates: Mastering Rate Negotiation and Client Communication. In this lesson, you'll learn essential tips and get access to practical email templates to help you confidently communicate with potential clients and master the art of client communication as a freelance makeup artist.
  • Discovery Exercise: Calculating your minimum acceptance rate. Do you know how much you would need to make each day, week, month, or year to reach your financial goals as a makeup artist? In this lesson I am going to walk you through an eye opening exercise that will help you figure out what your daily minimum acceptance rate might be based on the financial goals you have, or salary you would like to earn. This is the financial education you need as a business owner. 
  • How To Build Your Bridal Business From The Ground Up: Starting a bridal business can be daunting but i've got you covered with this lesson.  Whether you are brand new to bridal, are returning to bridal, or are thinking about expanding your current services to include bridal makeup applications - you will walk away with something from this lesson that will help build your business. 

This bundle gives you absolutely everything you need to grow your business and I cannot wait to see what you achieve. 

What people are saying:


All course purchases are final sale. 

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