Gain the confidence to know that you are providing a safe and hygienic experience for each and every client. 

Solid foundational knowledge on how to work hygienically as a makeup artist isn't all you’ll get:

You’ll also…
  • Feel confident in yourself. Not knowing what to do about hygiene can be scary. But once you have the education to know what to do to create a safe environment for your clients, you’ll gain confidence in your methods and feel great about the safe experience you’re providing. 
  • Know how to make the right decisions for every situation. Whether you’ve got questions about how to set up your workstation, or need to figure out your risks on the job, this course will help you figure out exactly what to do. With practical examples, you’ll feel prepared for whatever situation you find yourself in. 
  • Never worry about being known as a 'dirty' MUA. If you never got the hygiene education you know you need, you might worry that clients will think you’re unprofessional, dirty, or unhygienic. Taking the time to learn these principles will ensure you never need to feel that way again, plus you'll get to show off the certificate you've earned once you complete the course. 
  • Ask any questions you have about working hygienically. No judgement here! I want to make sure you leave the course knowing exactly what you need to do.
  • Get feedback on your station setup. As part of your final assessment, upload a photo of your workstation for feedback. I'll help you figure out a setup that helps you work hygienically (and quickly!!!)

I'll also be sharing my best practices and some of the tools and products I use to keep my clients safe.  


All course sales are final, no refunds.

$197.00 USD

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